Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Mgosoft PCL To Image SDK 8.5.713 Free File Horsez

  Mgosoft PCL To Image SDK 8.5.713 Free File Horsez

           By Mgosoft PCL (Non-Commercial Freeware)

PCL To Image Converter

Mgosoft PCL To Image Converter is a fast, affordable way to batch convert PCL and PXL print files to image formats. It directly convert PCL files to dozens of image formats, such as TIFF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, PCX, GIF, WMF, EMF, TGA and so on, it retains the layout, images, text, line, ellipse, color, and formatting of the original PCL file.

Mgosoft PCL To Image Converter does NOT require the third part products, and original PCL formatting and interrelation of text and graphical elements on each page. Creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a Image viewer. And you can set the image quality, image color, image resolution, etc.

Key Functions
 Support dozens of image formats, include TIF, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, PCX, WMF, EMF, TGA etc;
 Produce multipage TIFF files;
 Support for PACKBITS, CCITT Fax4/Fax3, LZW, RunLength, JPEG, etc. compression of TIFF files;
 Supports conversion into 1, 4, 4-bit grayscale, 8, 8-bit grayscale or 24-bit format;
 Supports set the image format (bitonal, grayscale, color);
 Options to control target compression algorithm and quality;
 Choose to convert each page or a custom page range;
 Change DPI settings depending on your needs;
 Turns laser printer output files (PCL, PXL, PX3) into raster image files and vector documents without need the third part products.
 Full PCL color support.
 Use it on all Windows version including the latest builds of Vista and Windows 7;

Command Line
Usage: pcltoimage <-i PCL File> [options]
-i <string>Specify input pcl file or folder.
-o <string>Specify output folder
-t <string>Set image type, default is 'jpg'.
-t tif: tif image file ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 ).
-t bmp: bmp image file ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 ).
-t png: png image file ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 ).
-t pcx: pcx image file ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 ).
-t gif: gif image file ( -b 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 ).
-t jpg: jpg image file ( -b 24, 7 ).
-t wmf: wmf image file.
-t emf: emf image file.
-t tga: tga image file ( -b 24, 8, 7 ).
-t jp2: jpeg2000 image file ( -b 24, 7 ).
-t jpc: jpeg2000 image file ( -b 24, 7 ).
-t ras: ras image file ( -b 24, 7 ).
-b <int>Set color depth.
-b 24: True color ( 24 bits )
-b 8: 256 color ( 8 bits )
-b 7: 256 color grayscale ( 8 bits )
-b 4: 16 color ( 4 bits )
-b 3: 16 color grayscale ( 4 bits )
-b 1: black/white (1 bits )
-q <int>Set quality for jpeg image,from 1 to 100,default is 75.
-c <string>Set compression method fo tiff files, default is 'jpeg'
-c none: Create TIFF file without compression ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 )
-c lzw: Compress TIFF using LZW arithmetic ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1 )
-c jpeg: Compress TIFF using JPEG arithmetic ( -b 24, 7 )
-c packbits: Compress TIFF using PACKBITS arithmetic ( -b 24, 8, 7, 4, 3 )
-c g4: Compress TIFF using CCITT G4 arithmetic ( -b 1 )
-c g3: Compress TIFF using CCITT G3 arithmetic ( -b 1 )
-c rle: Compress TIFF using RLE arithmetic ( -b 1 )
-x <int>Set Horizontal resolution in generated image files,form 72 to 600, default is 72.
-y <int>Set Vertical resolution in generated image files,form 72 to 600, default is 72.
-g <int>Set rotate angle, 0,90,180,270
-s <string>Set image size.
-s 1024x768: Set generated image width is 1024, height is 768. 
-mSet output to multi-page TIFF file, default is output to single page TIFF files.
Supported Operating Systems
OS: Microsoft® Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 of both 32-bit and 64-bit.

Click Here Download Mgosoft PCL To Image SDK 8.5.713 Free File Horsez

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